Friday, July 25, 2008

Acts 17 apologetics

August 12-18, 2008D.C. Outreach! Up to half a million Muslims will gather in our nation's capital for a festival in August. Acts 17 will be working with Ministry to Muslims for an outreach in Washington D.C. David will teach several sessions of training in apologetics. The week will conclude with a debate on Sunday between David and Farhan Qureshi. The topic is "Morality in Christianity and Islam" (but we will be having mini-debates on several other topics. If you're interested in helping with the outreach, please contact us or visit the Ministry to Muslims website.August 2, 2008At Jalal Abualrub's Madinah Educational Center in Connecticut, David will debate Bassam Zawadi on two topics: "Does the Evidence Show that Christianity Is True?" and "Does the Evidence Show that Islam is True?" Seating is limited, so contact us if you're interested in attending.June 18-22, 2008Michigan Outreach! Dearborn Michigan is one of the most heavily populated Muslim areas in the country. In June, Dearborn hosts a large Arabic festival, with around 300,000 Muslims attending. In association with Ministry to Muslims, David delivered several training sessions to help people prepare for a Christian outreach to these Muslims. We distributed copies of "The Jesus Film" in multiple languages, as well as other valuable resources, and we engaged Muslims in numerous conversations outside their mosques. On the 22nd, David did two debates with Farhan Qureshi: "Why I Am a Christian/Why I Am not a Christian" and "Why I Am a Muslim/Why I Am not a Muslim." Videos of these debates should be available shortly.June 7, 2008Nabeel got married!May 3, 2008David delivered several presentations for the Delaware Baptists Association.April 28, 2008Nabeel and David did some recording with Mark Mittelberg for CCN out in California, after sharing their testimonies at a local church.April 2, 2008On April 12th, 1:30 P.M., in Fullerton, California, David Wood will debate Jalal Abularub in California on the topic "Is Muhammad a Prophet?" Later that day (5:30 P.M.), James White will debate Jalal on the topic "Does the Bible Teach that Jesus Is God?"March 24th, 2008The Easter debates are over, but the discussion continues on our forum! Click the forum tab above or click here to enter into the debate.
February 22nd, 2008We have some exciting news! Acts 17 Apologetics will be participating in a series of debates held in Norfolk, Virginia over Easter Weekend. The series will be called "The Easter Debates: Christianity vs. Islam". Visit the link for more information!
January 11th, 2008Hello everyone! The ministry is going exceedingly well, and we thank God for His rich blessings, as well as His continued love and mercy in our lives. Below you will see a list of updates for the past few months, as well as future engagements. Please keep us in your prayers!Recent and Current Events
August 7th, 2007: Nabeel's breakout session at the Youth Evangelism Conference in Hampton, VA was a success! We praise God for the conference which helped instill a love for evangelism and apologetics into the hearts of more than a thousand young believers.
September 10th, 2007: David and Nabeel are working on a series of debates that will focus on the identity of Jesus and the identity Muhammad. These debates will hopefully be published and available by mid-late 2008. More to come!
David's debate with Ali Ataie is now available through! Check out the link found under "resources".
Nabeel's debate with Farhan Qureshi is available for download - go to the "resources" link if you would like to download the MP3s, or contact Nabeel for information on purchasing an audio CD.
September 2007: David was invited to speak in Alaska at various churches and cities. Topics ranged from Islam and Muhammad to the Problem of Evil and Jesus' Resurrection. We thank God for the opportunity to speak in remote parts of our nation and for his safe return home.
November 16th, 2007: Nabeel presented his paper on the Theistic Swoon Theory at the EPS/ETS national conference in San Diego, California. He was able to connect with some of the top evangelical scholars, and learned a great deal from their knowledge and character. Nabeel would like to thank Central Baptist Church of Norfolk, VA for sponsoring his trip, and also Mike Licona for providing him with a place to stay!
November 25th, 2007: Nabeel debated Muslim Apologist Sami Zaatari on the topic: "Did Jesus claim to be divine?" Through surprises at the beginning of the debate to a very successful conclusion for the Christian case, the debate did not cease to keep the speakers on their toes. The debate will be available shortly, more info to come!
January 6th, 2008: Nabeel finished his graduate studies at Biola University! He will officially receive his MA this May. Nabeel would like to thank Biola for their generous scholarship, helping him pay for part of his tuition. Also, he would like to thank his professors and the staff at Biola for their enthusiastic service and education of aspiring apologists from across the nation.
January 18th, 2008: Nabeel's testimony was recorded during an interview by Focus on the Faith and it is now online at His is number 46. NOTE: There are some minor inaccuracies about the testimony, both in the facts and in the story. These are on account of the cutting of the recording. For more solid information, please see my written testimony.Updates and Planned Events
January 5th, 2008: Kregel publishing company has agreed to publish two written debates in a book which concern some core tenets of Islam and Christianity. The first debate will be regarding the deity of Jesus, and the participants are Nabeel Qureshi and Muslim scholar Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shah. David Wood will be debating Bassam Zawadi on the prophethood of Muhammad. Please pray for us as we debate and finalize what will be our first publication, God-willing!
January 28th, 2008: Nabeel will be speaking at a pastor's luncheon in Norfolk, VA sharing his testimony and answering questions about evangelism to Muslims। He would like to thank his good friend Clark Taylor for this opportunity.

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